The new eco village on land on the north side of Kew Bridge has strong guidelines - no drugs (including alcohol), no amplified music (alas, for me) and no dogs. In addition, they're, where possible, avoiding purchasing food, preferring products discarded & dumped by the local shops. This seems to be working well. My visits tend to be a few hours here and there, but I was around for an evening meal on one of my first visits, and very good it was too - a vegatable risotto, with pototoes (with mayonaise for the non-vegans), salad, and a bread roll (warmed over heat to soften slightly). Cooking is done using a 'rocket stove', although I didn't see it in action - it uses a controlled draft to burn smaller material quickly, to get a high temperature for cooking. The italians on site have built themselves a pizza oven, too. ;-)
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Freegan Fud
The new eco village on land on the north side of Kew Bridge has strong guidelines - no drugs (including alcohol), no amplified music (alas, for me) and no dogs. In addition, they're, where possible, avoiding purchasing food, preferring products discarded & dumped by the local shops. This seems to be working well. My visits tend to be a few hours here and there, but I was around for an evening meal on one of my first visits, and very good it was too - a vegatable risotto, with pototoes (with mayonaise for the non-vegans), salad, and a bread roll (warmed over heat to soften slightly). Cooking is done using a 'rocket stove', although I didn't see it in action - it uses a controlled draft to burn smaller material quickly, to get a high temperature for cooking. The italians on site have built themselves a pizza oven, too. ;-)
Friday, 29 May 2009
one-ring cooking
Having used the Remoska oven pot a few times (largely roast veg with chickpeas & herbs, and in one successful experiment adding a bit of tomato puree to that), it reminded me of previous thoughts about how many- most, in fact - use two or even three separate heat sources. It's difficult to generalise, but on full a cooker ring or oven can take around 2kW, and induction hobs and fan ovens more, as far as I can work out.
If cooking for several people it's probably reasonable, but for smaller meals I'm looking for meals that all happen in the same pan, or at least heat source. Obvious things are bakes/roasts/crumbles, as above, and soups (although in both cases it's worth taking into account how long each needs on the heat). One problem with curry type meals is that there's frying & boiling needed - I must look into how a biryani is made, I assume cooking the rice separately, but not necessarily. I've personally yet to eat an enjoyable rissotto/paella, but it's a thought too.
I try to stay pragmatic about energy use rather than be obsessive, but it does no harm to consider the options, especially when, frankly, I'm cooking for one, and eat to live rather than live to eat.
Thoughts/suggestions about things to try?
If cooking for several people it's probably reasonable, but for smaller meals I'm looking for meals that all happen in the same pan, or at least heat source. Obvious things are bakes/roasts/crumbles, as above, and soups (although in both cases it's worth taking into account how long each needs on the heat). One problem with curry type meals is that there's frying & boiling needed - I must look into how a biryani is made, I assume cooking the rice separately, but not necessarily. I've personally yet to eat an enjoyable rissotto/paella, but it's a thought too.
I try to stay pragmatic about energy use rather than be obsessive, but it does no harm to consider the options, especially when, frankly, I'm cooking for one, and eat to live rather than live to eat.
Thoughts/suggestions about things to try?
Monday, 13 April 2009
I spent Christmas of 1996 in Prague with Kirsten, my girlfriend at the time - we'd rented a small flat through the travel agents. It was lovely actually, complete with strolls around the place in the snow and drinking foul tasting hot red wine from street sellers. Anyway, although technically self catering, there was no oven for our nut roast for the christmas meal - we mentioned this to our local contact, and they produced a strange electric saucepan gadget, we were sceptical but it did the job.
Last night after a very late journey home from the boat (would have been earlier, but I got waylaid half way down the moorings by beer), left outside a house with a note saying 'please take me' was, amongst other things, a strange electric saucepan gadget, which is now in my kitchen.
Turns out it's almost certainly the same model from the same factory, the Remoska; Lakeland Plastics import them from the Czech Republic. It's 470W, with no controls other than an on and off switch, but it gets rave reviews (from those who find it useful, obviously my neighbours didn't, unless they're doing the trendy 'decluttering' lark...).
I'm looking forward to having a play - I hardly ever bake stuff, I feel very aware of how much energy the oven uses, and more generally is always seems crazy for any meal, especially for one, to have two or three large heat sources running at once; trouble is I like a lot of texture in food, and a one pot stew rarely manages that. Cooking everything in a small oven may well be a more efficient way of doing things; we'll see. Interestingly it's energy efficiency is mentioned, amongst other places, in this blog post - I must have a read through the rest of the blog, recording a year's worth of ecnomising, too.
Last night after a very late journey home from the boat (would have been earlier, but I got waylaid half way down the moorings by beer), left outside a house with a note saying 'please take me' was, amongst other things, a strange electric saucepan gadget, which is now in my kitchen.
Turns out it's almost certainly the same model from the same factory, the Remoska; Lakeland Plastics import them from the Czech Republic. It's 470W, with no controls other than an on and off switch, but it gets rave reviews (from those who find it useful, obviously my neighbours didn't, unless they're doing the trendy 'decluttering' lark...).
I'm looking forward to having a play - I hardly ever bake stuff, I feel very aware of how much energy the oven uses, and more generally is always seems crazy for any meal, especially for one, to have two or three large heat sources running at once; trouble is I like a lot of texture in food, and a one pot stew rarely manages that. Cooking everything in a small oven may well be a more efficient way of doing things; we'll see. Interestingly it's energy efficiency is mentioned, amongst other places, in this blog post - I must have a read through the rest of the blog, recording a year's worth of ecnomising, too.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Hemp seed
I have a bag of hemp seed (from France) that I don't know what to do with. I looked online at various recipes and they're apparently full of nutrients but there's all sorts of conflicting advice. One site talks about cooking them, another says on no account should they be cooked because they become carcinogenic! One site says they must be washed so that the seeds float and the grit falls to the bottom, another, that they must be washed in a seive. There's talk of eating them raw as snacks but I can see that they're hard as hell. Anyone used them before? Or should I feed them to the birds?
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Moroccan vegetable nut roast
.. or Posh Pie as I call it. My daughter and I made it for our Christmas dinner while the rest of the family ate some creature. I've only just found the photos we took, so belatedly, here's our Christmas dinner!

I love cooking with my daughter cos she has the same 'let's try a bit of this instead' attitude as me, but here's the recipe:
10 shallots
2 red peppers
1 butternut squash
1 medium aubergine (we don't like this much so we used cooking apple instead)
3tbsp olive oil
1 tsp ground paprika
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 cloves garlic (we chucked in loads)
5cm ginger
400g canned chickpeas (found it was too much, used half)
handful chopped coriander
125g toasted almonds
125g shelled pistachios
75g melted marg (we used oil)
1x200g pkt filo pastry
What to do: Heat oven, Gas mark 4, 180 C/350 F. Chop up the shallots, peppers, squash, & aubergine, mix with the olive oil, spices & garlic, roast in the oven for 20 mins.
Finely dice the ginger & mix with the chickpeas, coriander, toasted almonds and pistachios. Stir this into the roasted veg once they've finished cooking.
Oil up a baking/flan tin. Lay 2 sheets of filo pastry, and brush liberally with the melted marg, coating both sides of the overhanging sheets. Add 2 more and coat again - keep going till you've used them all up.
Put the veg mix into its 'bed', then fold the overhanging pastry into the centre, crinkling it. Brush all over again with the marg/oil and bung in the oven for 40 minutes. Loads of work but makes a great special occasion dish.
Friday, 13 February 2009
'Barley ate my hamster'
I really don't mind if I never set eyes on barley again. I knew it took quite a while to cook, so I thought I'd make plenty of it but my hand slipped too, so I ended up cooking TONS of it. I had to keep adding water as it grew and grew and drank more and more. Then I had to pour it, mid-cooking to a bigger pot. I separated off a big bowl of it and added tinned tomato to the remaining mass. Then I needed to add a second tin and some onion and chilli powder to make a soup which was still too thick so I watered that down. Reader, I ate it for three days. Each time I came to re-heat it, the grains had swollen further, needing more liquid to soupify it so that it seemed to never get any less!
Meanwhile, the separated bowlful went out to the ducks who seemed to love it. Little do they know that it's like gremlins - once you add water, it mutliplies.
Meanwhile, the separated bowlful went out to the ducks who seemed to love it. Little do they know that it's like gremlins - once you add water, it mutliplies.
Monday, 2 February 2009
swede & onion soup
one onion, 1/3 swede, garlic, veg stock cube.
heat olive oil in pan, add onion & garlic, after a while add chopped swede, water, stock cube. Simmer over wood stove in front room for half an hour, then whizz up with electric gadget, then eat with slightly stale ciabatta, reduced in supermarket, whilst wearing hippyish fleece lined zip up jumper from car boot sale.
perfect for a snowy Monday evening ;-)
heat olive oil in pan, add onion & garlic, after a while add chopped swede, water, stock cube. Simmer over wood stove in front room for half an hour, then whizz up with electric gadget, then eat with slightly stale ciabatta, reduced in supermarket, whilst wearing hippyish fleece lined zip up jumper from car boot sale.
perfect for a snowy Monday evening ;-)
Thursday, 8 January 2009
'We're having meze - bring a contribution' they said.

Seemed a reasonable idea, so a bit of prodding around the internet (links in dish titles) found:
Ful medames - bean salad
A tin of borlotti beans (rinsed), lemon juice, crushed garlic, chopped cherry tomatoes, olive oil, cumin
worked quite well; the recipe said dill, I put some parsley in which worked OK
Piperies Xythates - marinated peppers
I don't even know what 'Bell Peppers' are, so used the long red sweetish ones; too sweet in the end, especially as the red wine vinegar I knew I had in the cupboard turned out to be raspberry flavoured. Anyway - peppers cut into strips, boiled for around 5 mins, marinated in the red wine vinegar for an hour, then covered in oilve oil.
Melitzanes Tiganites - aubergine in batter
Soda water batter? Not convinced, but had a bottle of fizzy water at work I could bring home and try (don't really hold with bottled water). Was also running out of flour, so batter ended up being very runny, too light. The aubergine was sliced, salted to get excess moisture out and dried, then fried for a few mins each side. A few got too burned to take to a social event, and went in the tiffin tin whilst stil hot so ended up soggy rather than crispy, but mostly worked.
An ideal use for the tiffin tin, brought back from (ahem) Jaipur years and years ago. Dramatic to arrive with, although the dishes need to be put on a plate (as the base of each is the lid of the one below) and needed to be carried wrapped in a carrier bag, as it doesn't entirely deal to hold the oil etc in... ;-)
So - non-local & seasonal food, often the nature of having food from other cultures, but interesting to make, and a rare example of me following recipes. ;-)

Seemed a reasonable idea, so a bit of prodding around the internet (links in dish titles) found:
Ful medames - bean salad
A tin of borlotti beans (rinsed), lemon juice, crushed garlic, chopped cherry tomatoes, olive oil, cumin
worked quite well; the recipe said dill, I put some parsley in which worked OK
Piperies Xythates - marinated peppers
I don't even know what 'Bell Peppers' are, so used the long red sweetish ones; too sweet in the end, especially as the red wine vinegar I knew I had in the cupboard turned out to be raspberry flavoured. Anyway - peppers cut into strips, boiled for around 5 mins, marinated in the red wine vinegar for an hour, then covered in oilve oil.
Melitzanes Tiganites - aubergine in batter
Soda water batter? Not convinced, but had a bottle of fizzy water at work I could bring home and try (don't really hold with bottled water). Was also running out of flour, so batter ended up being very runny, too light. The aubergine was sliced, salted to get excess moisture out and dried, then fried for a few mins each side. A few got too burned to take to a social event, and went in the tiffin tin whilst stil hot so ended up soggy rather than crispy, but mostly worked.
An ideal use for the tiffin tin, brought back from (ahem) Jaipur years and years ago. Dramatic to arrive with, although the dishes need to be put on a plate (as the base of each is the lid of the one below) and needed to be carried wrapped in a carrier bag, as it doesn't entirely deal to hold the oil etc in... ;-)
So - non-local & seasonal food, often the nature of having food from other cultures, but interesting to make, and a rare example of me following recipes. ;-)
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
using it up with bacon
boil up some water add pasta and chopped root veg and leave to cook.
in the mean time, fry onions garlic and bacon in a frying pan (or Wok), then add the soft veggies (beans and broccoli).
When the pasta/root veggie pot is all soft drain it, bung it in the frying pan, mix it all up, add herbs and grated cheese and hey presto - delicious!
in the mean time, fry onions garlic and bacon in a frying pan (or Wok), then add the soft veggies (beans and broccoli).
When the pasta/root veggie pot is all soft drain it, bung it in the frying pan, mix it all up, add herbs and grated cheese and hey presto - delicious!
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