Monday, 2 February 2009

swede & onion soup

one onion, 1/3 swede, garlic, veg stock cube.

heat olive oil in pan, add onion & garlic, after a while add chopped swede, water, stock cube. Simmer over wood stove in front room for half an hour, then whizz up with electric gadget, then eat with slightly stale ciabatta, reduced in supermarket, whilst wearing hippyish fleece lined zip up jumper from car boot sale.

perfect for a snowy Monday evening ;-)

1 comment:

Llosgi said...

I tried this out today, thanks. Very tasty and nice with plenty of pepper, though mine turned out a bit thin (too much water!) and towards the end, I grated in a couple of carrots to bulk things up. If I'd had some butter beans to hand, they'd have been good too.
I'm sorry to say, I didn't wear the fleece but it still tasted good.